Contribution guidelines

Today, businesses need to be harnessed with the right resources and this includesknowledge. With a wide pool of extensive knowledge, how can you get through the right one? We are the number one source of premier information across different industries and businesses. We aim to answer every question on your mind-about “how-to”, fitness, technology, health, and everything else in between. We aim for the best and we ensure that is what we deliver. Hence, we seek contributors with knowledge of how things work to share their expertise with a wide range of audiences.

We set high standards and high quality is our topmost priority. Hence, if you have exceptional writing skills, kindly go through this page to know what we expect and how the process works. 

What we expect

We appreciate high-quality, comprehensive, engaging posts that will educate our readers and bring them into different realm in the world of business. 

What we publish

Here are a few things we look for in the content before we publish:

  • We want high quality content, and should not be published elsewhere
  • The content should well, written, concise, free of grammatical errors and the word length should be between 800-1500 words.
  • We won’t accept anything that is offensive, inaccurate, or self promotional.
  • Proper referencing of data, quotations and outside sources should be done.
  • Content should be unique, original and must be helpful for the audience.
  • Any links that is not valuable to reader in the content will be removed.
  • Article should be compelling and with a tone and style that will carry the readers along.
  • We dont accept images that are copywrited or having brands or logo on them.
  • To improve readability, try placing your links within the middle parts of your text rather than just at the beginning or end.
  • Don’t include URLs directly in the article.
  • We don’t allow posts about casinos, gambling, CBD, or adult content. They will be removed automatically, and no further explanation will be provided.

Before you submit

  • Use grammar checks to correct any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
  • Use the right tool to check for plagiarism and to ensure it is unique.
  • Go through the content again to ensure it meets the guidelines and you have got all the points covered.
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